It is with pleasure, pride, and gratitude that we present to you this anniversary issue of This Week in Palestine. For twenty years, TWiP has been able to fulfill its self-imposed mission of promoting Palestinian issues by bringing out the best of Palestine – although we have not shied away from highlighting concerns that need improvement (e.g., The Common Good, January 2017). Presenting topics that do not generally make headlines in international media, TWiP has provided information on Palestinian culture, society, economy, and nature, with articles on the performing and visual arts, design, literature, education, sports, entrepreneurship, water, information technology, women, children, and youth, Gaza, Jerusalem… TWiP has presented poets, artists, and other Palestinians who are leaving a mark; it has introduced influential and exceptional personalities and artists, and presented books and films; it has offered recipes, stories, and background on Palestinian cuisine, and invited you to visit some of the most spectacular places in this beautiful country that is characterized by a rich culture, ancient heritage, natural beauty, places of religious significance, and warm and welcoming people. All of this is presented in exceptionally beautiful design by Taisir Masrieh, our artistic director, and his team. As a result, TWiP’s archive contains literally thousands of articles, and we are currently working to improve its search function.
Our gratitude goes to you, our readers, who have faithfully supported us through your subscriptions and words of encouragement. Gratitude goes also to our authors, many of whom are recognized and esteemed experts in their fields. They make this endeavor possible through their willingness to share their expertise and their dedication and engagement − as well as their patience and perseverance while putting up with our editing procedures. This is also the perfect opportunity to express gratitude to our simply amazing language editor who adds final sparkle to every article! So if you would like to share a point of view or information on topics that fall within the scope of our mission, please keep an eye on our upcoming themes and keep your contributions coming. They are welcome and appreciated.
Last but not least, TWiP wishes to thank the supporters who assure our sustainability. Beyond the subscriptions, this includes individuals and institutions who publish promotional articles, place advertisements, or sponsor (fully or partially) the publication of a monthly issue. In particular, we would like to thank UNDP/PAPP for its contribution to supporting TWiP throughout the entire year 2018, and we look forward to further cooperation in 2019. TWiP welcomes such opportunities for partnership.
So delve in and enjoy! From the entire team, we wish a Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating and a Happy New Year to all of you,

This month’s issue COVID-19 Is Here to Stay. How Do We Cope?