Yahya Al-Salqan
Yahya Al-Salqan
Dr. Yahya Al-Salqan is the chairman of the board of the Palestine IT Association of companies – PITA, chairman of Palestine ICT Incubator-PICTI.StartUps, and CEO and co-founder of i-Jaffa.Net – a leading software development company. Dr. Al-Salqan is an Internet security and blockchain expert with nine internationally (USA, EU) registered patents. Before starting Jaffa.Net Software, he worked as senior engineer at Sun Microsystems in the Silicon Valley- USA. He chaired six IEEE international conferences in the United States (at MIT and Stanford), Korea, and Tunisia, and published more than 50 refereed articles. He has been an invited speaker at many international conferences (RSA, JavaOne, IEEE COMPSAC). He has a BSc in electrical engineering from Birzeit University, an MSc from The American University, Washington DC, and a PhD in EECS from The University of Illinois. He enjoys painting and modern art in his free time.
This month’s issue COVID-19 Is Here to Stay. How Do We Cope?