All posts by: Ali Qleibo

Ali Qleibo
Anthropologist Dr. Ali Qleibo has lectured at Al-Quds University, held a fellowship at Shalom Hartman Institute, and was a visiting professor at Tokyo University for Foreign Studies and Kyoto University, Japan. As a specialist in Palestinian social history and through his work at the Jerusalem Research Center, he has developed the Palestinian Social and Muslim Tourism Itinerary. Dr. Qleibo has authored numerous books on Jerusalem and its history. A renowned oil painter, he has held numerous art shows. He may be reached at
- Article: From Mollified Occupation to Jubilant Resistance | Dec 2014, Issue 200
- Article: Palestinian Cultural/Historical Geography | Nov 2014, Issue 199
- Article: Retrocog-nition in Sebastiya | Oct 2014, Issue 198
- Article: Delivering Food to Gaza: | Aug 2014, Issue 196.5
- Article: Social Media, Cyberspace, and Palestinian Digital Identity | Aug 2014, Issue 196
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