Alaaeldin Azmi Ahmad
Alaaeldin Azmi Ahmad
Dr. Alaaeldin Azmi Ahmad is a professor in pediatric orthopedic surgery at An-Najah Medical School in Nablus, Palestine, and an adjunct faculty member of the Medical University of South Carolina and the University of Toledo, Ohio. His interest in global work, with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries, has led him to be part of many professional global organizations. He is the head of the orthopedic program at the Palestine International Cooperation Agency, chair of the spine committee at the International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, secretary general of World Orthopedic Concern, a member of the Outreach Working Group of the North American Spine Society, a member of the Growing Spine Committee at Scoliosis Research Society, and a previous member of the International Board of AO Spine. In addition, he has published more than 35 articles, papers, and chapters in international journals and books. He is the main author of the forthcoming book Early Onset Scoliosis: Guidelines for Management in Resource-Limited Settings.
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