Message from the Editor

Good health is to a great extent a precious gift and certainly one of the most determining factors of life quality. It is important, however, to remind ourselves how much influence we have in this matter. What and how we eat, the thoughts we repeat and perpetuate, and how much we engage in physical activity are all factors that contribute to our well-being while living the modern lifestyle that, unfortunately, is not always conducive to good health. Stress is among the most influential factors in today’s world. In Palestine, unfortunately, politics and economics play a larger role than in some other places. But Palestine supports a network of health institutions and hospitals that aim to provide the best care possible under the difficult circumstances of occupation; international organizations do their best to be of support; and we can boast a great number of dedicated health professionals. A heartfelt Thank You to all of them!
Thanks also go to the East Jerusalem Hospitals Network (EJHN), the sponsor of this issue, and to the authors who include Abdel-Qader Husseini, chairperson of the EJHN; Walid Nammour, CEO of Augusta Victoria Hospital; Dr. Abdullah Said Sabri, CEO of the Palestine Red Crescent Society Hospital; Peter Khoury, joint CEO for financial and administrative affairs and director of finance at St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group (SJEHG), Dr. Ahmad Ma’ali, joint CEO for clinical services and director of nursing and allied health professions at SJEHG; Issa Bandak, CEO of Caritas Baby Hospital; Dr. Gerald Rockenschaub, head of the World Health Organization office for the occupied Palestinian territory; Tala Khoury, a specialist in nutrition and dietetics; and Yoa’d Ghanadry-Hakim, head therapist at the Palestinian Counseling Center in Beit Hanina, as well as the authors who wrote on behalf of Makassed Islamic Charitable Society, Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre, St. Joseph Hospital, and the Palestinian National Institute of Public Health.
A number of readers have responded to questions regarding attitudes towards their health and a healthy environment and what actions they take to express this attitude. You will find their answers under Readers’ Opinions, interspersed between the articles.
Our personality of the month is Walid Nammour, our artist of the month features Riham Isaac, our film of the month presents seven short films that will be screened at this year’s Bethlehem Student Film Festival, What’s in Bloom invites you to enjoy the beauty of April’s flowers in their natural environment, and Reducing Waste reminds us of the traditional Palestinian environmentally friendly ways to clean. Enjoy the listed events.
From the entire team at TWiP, we wish a Happy Easter to all who are celebrating and a peaceful spring for Gaza and all of us,

Tina Basem

This month’s issue COVID-19 Is Here to Stay. How Do We Cope?