The publisher of this magazine ended his column with the following sentence: “The vibrancy of Palestinian society is simply amazing.” The content of this issue of This Week in Palestine, themed Palestinian Performing Arts, certainly attests to that. We tried to the best of our ability to cover the entire performing arts sector, but there is definitely much more out there than our pages can handle. It is our impression, however, that we have managed to give a broad overview of the sector.
Culture is no doubt an indicator of a country’s standing, and Palestine has its share of cultural institutions – from theaters and music schools to even a circus school – that, despite formidable challenges, work ceaselessly to present to their audiences the best possible performances and at the same to time engage with the general public.
We would like to thank every single author and institution that has engaged with this rich issue. It’s always a pleasure to work with professionals. Thank you all for your patience while we edited your articles, sought appropriate photos, and fought tooth and nail to capture the most suitable caption (a task that took almost as long as finalizing the articles!). In our opinion, the process has been both delightful and uplifting.
We hope that you’ve all had a pleasant and relaxing summer. It is time now to go back to our routines, whether at work or at school. As far as our work for the rest of the year is concerned, we promise to bring you three powerful issues that will address Palestinian teachers and education (October), Palestinian Family affairs (November), and finally, a special issue of This Week in Palestine to mark 20 years of continued publication (December).

The TWiP Collective

This month’s issue COVID-19 Is Here to Stay. How Do We Cope?