Editor Message

Palestine is getting ready to carry out its third census. The practice is not new to the area, but this time, residents are not required to travel to the town of their family origin – in fact, many Palestinians are not even allowed to enter the country of their birth. But let us hope that the promise of Sustainable Development Goal 16, which aims to assure peace and justice for all, may be applied also to today’s Palestine, as the close to 200 member states of the United Nations have vowed that “No one shall be left behind.”
The 2017 census will serve as a tool in Palestine’s efforts to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. While national ownership of activities and implementation is paramount, the associated indicators and targets pose major challenges for many countries worldwide and are frequently pursued in collaborative efforts. This includes, for example, the hosting of an international conference of UN representatives in Palestine – the details of which and much more you will find in this issue.

Our sincere thanks go to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) for sponsoring this issue, and to its support team for helping to generate many of the articles. Among the authors who contributed to this issue are Ola Awad, President of PCBS, and Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah. Other authors include high-ranking officials of UN bodies and representatives of international institutions, as well as local specialists in fields related to statistics and development. Their exceptional expertise is reflected in the articles, which are inspiring and raise hope for the future of not only Palestine but all nations. However, the urgent need to end the occupation and give Palestinians full sovereignty over their land and resources is equally obvious and repeatedly asserted.

Our limelight section presents a report published by PCBS on the status of Palestine in 2016 and features soprano Dima Bawab. Where to go and TWiP Kitchen revolve around the olive harvest, and the exhibition of the month features an exhibition in Jerusalem that explores issues related to colonialism. Take a look at the Events section and enjoy the rich palette of events offered in Palestinian cities and villages in November.
Wishing you a good autumn fromthe entire team at TWiP,

This month’s issue COVID-19 Is Here to Stay. How Do We Cope?